... 喜爱的,爱好的 fond of 爱好的持久性 persistency of interest 业余艺术爱好的 dilettantish ...
... sciolistic 一知半解的 sciolist 一知半解的人... dilettantish (在艺术、科学等方面)半...
业余爱好的(dilettantish), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
dilettantish me 摇尾巴的猫
"his dilettantish efforts at painting"
同义词: dilettante dilettanteish sciolistic
以上来源于: WordNet
frothy , injudicious
词根: dilettante
dilettante 浅薄的;业余艺术爱好的
dilettante 业余爱好者;一知半解者
dilettante (在艺术、科学等方面)浅尝辄止
Part of the problem, I suspect, is that he really did start out as a lightweight, an impish comedian with a dilettantish streak.
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Mr Flannery is a respected biologist with plenty of published papers to his name, but the book feels dilettantish, with a dizzying array of concepts introduced, briefly discussed, then dispensed with before the reader has had time to digest them.
ECONOMIST: An Australian scientist explores where we are now