dill pickle 加小茴香叶的泡菜 ; 加香炒腌渍 ; 莳萝泡菜 ; [食品] 加小茴香的泡菜
A Dill Pickle 莳萝泡菜
cucumber dill pickle 莳萝盐渍胡瓜
The Dill Pickle 第九课
Dill Pickle Chips 酸黄瓜片
But again you can pickle them.Slice them thin and pour over a hot mixture of white wine vinegar, dill, peppercorns and salt.
But again you can pickle them. Slice them thin and pour over a hot mixture of white wine vinegar, dill, peppercorns and salt.
And while we were eating the coachman came up. 'Have a dill pickle,' he said.