游戏说明及攻略介绍: 经营餐厅城市(Diner City),一款经营餐饮业与同业竞争的经营小游戏,玩家需要为自己的餐厅添置更多设备,才可在竞赛期限内,战胜邻近的饭店.
SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner, Dan Doctoroff, clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves.
那是一家典型的曼哈顿餐馆,Dan Doctoroff身着牛仔裤和短袖衬衫,一边啜着无糖苏打一边赞美着这座他深爱的城市。
A two-storey window cut through it provides views across the city from a split-level living room on the third floor and a combined kitchen-diner on the level below.