《操作系统》课程设计说明书 用多线程同步方法解决哲学家就餐问题(Dining-Philosophers Problem),共33页,8470字 1.设计题目 2 2.
The Dining Philosophers Problem 哲学家进餐问题 ; 哲学家就餐问题
dining philosophers problem of achieving 说明哲学家进餐问题实现
dining philosophers problem s 哲学家进餐问题仿真
five dining philosophers' problem 五位进餐哲学家的问题
以上来源于: WordNet
I think every CS graduate has had at least one homework assignment involving the dining philosophers problem or a producer-consumer problem.
"The dining problem of the philosophers" is a typical subject of synchrony.
"The dining problem of philosophers" is a typical subject of synchrony.