magnetic dipole 磁偶极 ; [物] 磁偶极子 ; 地球可视为一个磁偶极 ; 偶极子
electric dipole moment [电磁] 电偶极矩 ; 电偶极 ; 电偶极子转矩 ; 电力矩
electric dipole 电偶极子 ; [电磁] 电偶极 ; 偶极子
dipole antenna [电讯] 偶极天线 ; 折叠偶极天线 ; 双极天线
Dipole Moments 偶极矩
transition dipole moment 跃迁偶极矩 ; 瞬时偶极矩
dipole moment 电偶极矩
magnetic dipole moment [电磁] 磁偶极矩 ; 偶极矩
同义词: dipole antenna
以上来源于: WordNet
N two electric charges or magnetic poles that have equal magnitudes but opposite signs and are separated by a small distance 偶极
The problem of the dipole cloud is an effective scattering cross-section while observed by a monostatic radar was studied.
The name "hydrogen bond" is something of a misnomer, as it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole attraction.
I have to ask is there a net dipole?
Because this is a dipole, he chose the pole part of dipole to give us polar covalency.
We only have the one bond so the actual HF molecule is polar, it has a net dipole.
So this is a little bit negative and this is a little bit positive, which means I could model this by drawing a dipole. This is a dipole.