direct solar radiation 直接太阳辐射 ; 太阳直射 ; [天] 太阳直接辐射 ; 直接日辐射
direct solar radiation intensity 太阳直射辐射强度
amount of direct solar radiation 太阳直射辐射量
near direct solar radiation 接近直射的太阳辐射
potential direct solar radiation 太阳可能直接辐射
horizontal direct solar radiation 水平面太阳直接辐射
Direct solar radiation transmission rate 太阳辐射直接透射率
solar direct radiation 太阳直接辐射
direct terrestrial solar radiation 地表直射太阳辐射
solar direct radiation model 太阳直接辐射模型
Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
Temperature read on a thermometer which is exposed to the air in a position sheltered from direct solar radiation.
The paper discusses quantitatively effects of terrain relief and geographic location of pixels on direct solar radiation and change of remotely sensed value caused by such effects.