准/规范中文名: 直流放大器.特性和试验方法 标准/规范英文名: Direct current amplifiers; characteristics and test methods 批准日期: 1975 翻译进度: 待翻译 标准号&标准中文名&标准英文名: IEC
... direct coupling 直接耦合 direct current amplifier 直僚大器 direct current beta 晶体管共发射极短路电僚大系数 ...
... direct current 直流 direct current amplifier 直僚年夜器 direct driven antenna 直接驱动天线 ...
fast direct current amplifier 快直流放大器
logarithmic direct current amplifier 对数直僚大器 ; 对数直流放大器
linear direct current amplifier 直线直流放大器
biased direct-current amplifier 偏压直流放大器
differential direct current amplifier 差动直流放大器
complementary direct-current amplifier 互补直流放大器
logarithmic E direct current amplifier 对数直僚大器
Direct Current Servo Amplifier 直流伺服放大器
In this paper, a method used to amplify faint direct current signal is put forward, and the circuits of direct current amplifier to realize the method are devised.
The design principle and specific process of the pulse width servo amplifier is introduced, which is used to drive direct current motor to work.
It must be set up suitable quiescent point in order to works in linear region. This decides that the analysis of amplifier includes direct current analysis and alternating current analysis.