... current, input bias 输入偏置电流 generator, current bias 电流偏差产生器 direct current bias 直流偏压 ...
... Direct current bias 直流偏磁; 直流偏压; 偏压 收藏 high low bias check 高低偏压核对 收藏 bias detection 偏压探测; 偏流检波; 偏压检波 收藏 ...
DC Bias Direct Current Bias 直流补偿 ; 直流偏移
direct-current bias 直流偏磁
direct current bias voltage 直流偏压
Ion-assisted bombardment and direct current bias were emphasized in charter II and charter III respectively on studying how external factor as an assisted avenue can influence the growth of amorphous carbon film.
参考来源 - 脉冲激光烧蚀石墨靶制备超硬非晶碳膜Ion-assisted bombardment and direct current bias were emphasized in charter II and charter III respectively on studying how external factor as an assisted avenue can influence the growth of amorphous carbon film.
参考来源 - 脉冲激光烧蚀石墨靶制备超硬非晶碳膜·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The drug ion is infused to tissue part by adding direct current bias to overcome the difficulty in achieving the deep tissue part of the oral and injected drugs.
The influence of bias current and modulation frequency on chaos dynamics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to direct current modulation is investigated by numerical simulation.
The speed of latch has a direct effect on the performance of divider, which can be improved by separating trace differential pair and cross-coupled pair and decreasing the bias current of the later.