...直接测定 [gap=1075]mmonium persulfate; 1,5-diphenylcarbohydrazide; Spectrophotometry;Cross linking;Direct determination ...
direct determination method 直接确定法
weights direct determination 权值直接确定
simultaneous direct determination 直接同时测定
direct determination of lead 微量铅的测定
rapid and direct determination 快速直接测定
direct determination of oxygen 氧的直接测定法
raw urine direct determination 直接测量
Hence MBI modified gold electrode possible be used to the direct determination of copper in complex samples.
参考来源 - 化学修饰电极用于复杂样品中重金属的直接伏安检测A method for direct determination of lanthanum and cerium content in magnesium alloys by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES)was studied. The optimal working parameters and analytical lines were determined.
参考来源 - 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法分析镁合金板中镧铈·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The method was applied to direct determination of nitrite in collapse lake water, fishpond water, power plant waste water and well water with satisfactory results.
The proposed method is simple, convenient and highly sensitive, which can be applied to direct determination of hydrogen peroxide in rainwater with satisfactory results.
Volatile ions are trapped in slightly basic or acidic absorption solutions for subsequent direct determination by ion chromatography, voltammetry or atomic spectroscopy.