选择离散分布 (Discrete),返回数据 窗口;输入数据: 断点数(Number of discrete values)5 离散值(Discrete values): 依次输入,并用逗号分隔离 散值/该离散值概率 单位购货成本:0.6 销售单价:1 单位缺货成本:0.4(缺货损 失为售价...
discrete value s 不连续值
discrete value of hardness 硬度的离散值
discrete Hilbert boundary value problems 离散Hilbert边值问题
discrete control value 控制量离散
discrete boundary value problems 离散边值问题
Thi paper gives a few inequality of optimum ordering quantity (or optimum storage) when demand and storage take discrete value.
A pixel contains the image information for a single point in the image, and has a discrete value between 0 (black) and 255 (white).
"Value activities are the discrete building blocks of competitive advantage," wrote Porter.