...与健康研究中心博士后研究员) 校对者:李文宗 (台大流行病学研究所教授) 近年来疾病易感受性基因 (disease susceptibility gene) 研究盛行,研究者利用病例对照研究法 (case-control study) 进行基因相关研究时,若忽略研究母群可能潜藏的 ..
The goal of this unit is to introduce gene-gene interactions (epistasis) as a significant complicating factor in the search for disease susceptibility genes.
It is now known that genetic variability accounts for 25% of susceptibility to the disease, but that variations in the sickle-cell gene contribute to only a fraction of that.
现在,25 %的对疾病的敏感性被归咎于遗传变异。但在镰细胞基因上的变异仅仅参与了其中的一小部分。
Conclusions These results may provide clues to reveal the susceptibility gene of vitiligo in China and as well as the immunogenetic mechanisms of the disease.