dish-shaped ewer 盘形壶
dish shaped 皿状的 ; 碟形观光
dish-shaped pit 碟形洼地群
dish shaped cam 盘形凸轮
dish-shaped spring 碟形弹簧
Dish shaped spring 组合碟形弹簧
dish-shaped forgings 饼类锻件
dish shaped spring stack 组合碟形弹簧
An outer sleeve is sheathed at the outside of the gear seat which rotates on the base to drive the outer sleeve and a dish-shaped antenna to rotate.
The orb-shaped central body is equipped with sensor equipment, and a powerful dish-shaped laser cannon capable of firing a sustained beam at enemy targets.
球形中央躯体配备了传感装置和一门强大的碟形激光炮。 这门炮能向敌目标发射持续的能量束。
In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.