dish-shaped ewer 盘形壶
dish-shaped 盘状的
dish-shaped pit 碟形洼地群
dish shaped cam 盘形凸轮
Dish shaped spring 组合碟形弹簧
dish-shaped spring 碟形弹簧
dish-shaped forgings 饼类锻件
dish shaped spring stack 组合碟形弹簧
In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.
THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve.
在皮氏细菌培养皿内,细菌数量的增长模式是典型的“S” 曲线。
They won over Target, but their first bottles of dish soap, shaped like bowling pins, leaked all over the shelves (intrigued shoppers removed the caps for a whiff and left them off).