微动关节周围骨折和或合并关节脱位内固定治疗后疗效/医药护理综合论文_医药护理论文_范文百科 关键词】微动关节;骨折;脱位;内固定 [gap=860]Keywords]amphiarthrodialjoint;fracture;dislocated;internalfixation
... shortening displacement 释义:缩短移位 dislocated 释义:移位的,离位的,脱位的 Dextratransposition 释义:右移位 ...
dislocated lens 晶状体脱位
dislocated anchoring 错位抛锚
dislocated deposit [地质] 断错矿床
dislocated seam [矿业] 错位矿层 ; 错位煤层
LED dislocated 发光二极管安装不良
Dislocated Hip 髋关节脱位
dislocated lens surgery 脱位晶状体摘出
a dislocated arm 脱臼的手臂
Jaw is dislocated 下颌脱臼
V-T If you dislocate a bone or joint in your body, or in someone else's body, it moves out of its proper position in relation to other bones, usually in an accident. 使脱臼
Harrison dislocated a finger.
V-T To dislocate something such as a system, process, or way of life means to disturb it greatly or prevent it from continuing as normal. 扰乱
It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life.