3) 位移反应谱 displacement response spectrum 4) 规准力口速度反应谱 normalized acceleration response spectrum ..
inelastic displacement response spectrum 弹塑性位移反应谱
earthquake displacement response spectrum 地震位移响应谱
The target displacement of a structure can be predicted by capacity spectrum method, where the demand curves are often constructed by elastic-plastic response spectra.
As a result, some parameters of the key points have been got including the power spectrum density (PSD), the response variance, the gust response factor for load and displacement.
The ground surface response spectrum of acceleration, velocity and displacement were calculated using NDFEPS-2D.
运用NDFEPS - 2d计算了若干场地模型的地面加速度反应谱、速度反应谱、位移反应谱。