[ 第三人称单数 dispraises 现在分词 dispraising 过去式 dispraised 过去分词 dispraised ]
derogate disparage dispraise 贬损 ; 贬低
Maximize dispraise of self 尽力夸大对自身的贬损
Minimize dispraise of other 尽力缩小对他人的贬损
dispraise e 贬损
maximizing dispraise of self 尽量多贬低自己
minimizing dispraise of other 尽量少贬低别人
V to express disapproval or condemnation of 反对; 谴责
N the disapproval, etc, expressed 不赞成
Its starting-point is self-dispraise, and its great enemy is conceit.
That may sound as though I'm intending to dispraise the book, but to the contrary; I think it's a fine piece of work in lots of ways.
Their censure did not much affect him for the good-natured young man was disposed to accept with considerable humility the dispraise of others.