... disreputable adj. 声名狼藉的,品行不端的 disrepute n. 坏名声,不光彩 disrespectful adj. 无礼的,轻视的 ...
in disrepute 声名狼藉
fall into disrepute 名誉变坏 ; 名誉扫地
be in disrepute 名声不好
bring one's name into disrepute 使某人声名狼藉
disrepute e 不光彩 ; 坏名声 ; 名声不好
to fall into disrepute 名誉扫地 ; 声名扫地
disrepute detail 坏名声
bring into disrepute 使声誉受到损害
fingl into disrepute 名望变坏
PHRASE If something is brought into disrepute or falls into disrepute, it loses its good reputation, because it is connected with activities that people do not approve of. 丧失名誉
It is a disgrace that such people should bring our profession into disrepute.
The players' behaviour on the field is likely to bring the game into disrepute.
Tending to bring discredit or disrepute; blameworthy.
Later studies on “talking trees” went unreplicated, and the idea fell into disrepute.