distance recorder [声] 距离记录器 ; 遥测记录器 ; 距离记录仪 ; 距离自动记录仪
towing depth distance recorder 曳航深度距离记录仪
speed and distance recorder 航速航程记录仪
air-distance recorder [航] 飞行距离记录器
air distance recorder 飞行距离记录器
long distance water level recorder 遥测水位计
long distance water-stage recorder 远距离水位计 ; 远间隔水位计
distance rainfall recorder 遥测雨量计
Beyond to the request of GB, the recorder this paper studies adds the function of GPS and GPRS, which helps to realize the long-distance real-time monitoring of traveling vehicles.
This paper discusses the basic features of the distance adjustment on the locomotive running recorder, which has been developed by Yongan Maintenace Section.