Distant blue 冷蓝色 ; 冷淡蓝色
Voices of a Distant Star 星之声 ; 唱片名
distant view 远景 ; 远方之香 ; 前景 ; 远眺
distant calls 长途德律风
distant control [自] 遥控 ; [自] 远距离控制 ; 远距控制 ; 打猎
Distant memories 遥远的记忆 ; 遥远的思念 ; 悠远的回忆 ; 记忆渐远
Distant Thunder 远雷 ; 远方的雷声 ; 迷城 ; 迅雷战斗
Distant Worlds 遥远的世界 ; 悠远的全球 ; 遥远的
The intelligent observation system of long-range water quality includes distant endequipment and owner stands equipment.
参考来源 - 水质远程智能监测系统的开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"distant villages"; "the sound of distant traffic"; "a distant sound"; "a distant telephone call"
"a distant cousin"; "a distant likeness"
"a distant smile"
"distant events"
"distant lands"
同义词: remote
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Distant means very far away. 遥远的
The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon.
ADJ You use distant to describe a time or event that is very far away in the future or in the past. 久远的
There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too distant future.
ADJ A distant relative is one who you are not closely related to. 远房的
He's a distant relative of the mayor.
distantly ADV 远亲地
The O'Shea girls are distantly related to our family.
ADJ If you describe someone as distant, you mean that you find them cold and unfriendly. 冷淡的; 不友好的 [v-link ADJ]
He found her cold, icelike, and distant.
ADJ If you describe someone as distant, you mean that they are not concentrating on what they are doing because they are thinking about other things. 恍惚的; 茫然的
There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.