2017年美国摄影学会(PSA)国际摄影大赛成绩公布 ... 梁海坤 创造者 CREATOR A 梁海坤 远方 DISTANT PLACE A 刘徽 别有洞天 SEE A NEW WORLD A ...
A Distant Place 在那遥远的地方 ; 一个遥远的地方 ; 遥远的地方
Describing a distant place 描述一个较远的地方
sell to a distant place 商品出售到远方
Rainbow on a distant place 彩虹之上
in a distant place 在那遥远的地方
To A Distant Place 去一个很远地方
Lonna A Distant Place 女性英文名字
music from a distant place 来自远方的音乐
So if you place a significant weight on the really, really distant future, the case for action is stronger than even the 2100 estimates suggest.
The story seems to take place in some distant past, until a mobile phone rings.
I have spent the day in a fabled place more distant than a train ride away, a well-lit world under a brighter sky, with Nobel Laureate parking Spaces and catacombs lined with books.