...瓶通常只有12伏 特而已, 特而已,因些需要利用点火线圈来制造这么 高的电压出来 分电盘(Distributor): 分电盘(Distributor):分电盘是用 来分配1万伏特以上的高电压。 来分配1万伏特以上的高电压。
个基本元素(实体)’ : the Content Provider ( 内容提供商 )、the Distributor(发行商)、the Clearinghouse(票据交易中心)和the
air distributor [机] 空气分配器 ; 空气分布器 ; 空气分布箱 ; 送风口
asphalt distributor 沥青洒布车 ; 沥青洒布机
sole distributor 独家分销商 ; 总经销商 ; [贸易] 独家经销商 ; 独家发行人
distributor cap [电] 分电器盖 ; 分火盖 ; 电盘盖 ; 分盖头
fertilizer distributor 化肥撒肥机 ; 撒肥机 ; [农机] 施肥机 ; 肥料分配器
automatic call distributor [通信] 自动呼叫分配器 ; 候诊排队系统 ; 自动呼叫分配 ; 分配
distributor shaft 分电器轴 ; 分电盘轴 ; 无分电盘的点火系统 ; 分电器转子
Video distributor 视频分配器 ; 视频信号分配器
Ignition distributor 分电器 ; 点火配电盘 ; 点火分电器 ; 分电盘
The effective coordination of manufacturer and distributor are key factors to improve the performance of supply chain.
参考来源 - 供应链管理中的协同问题研究Three-dimensional flow field of a working twin-tangential annular flow gas distributor is simulated based on standard k-ε turbulent model with FLUENT.
在FLUENT软件平台上 ,采用k ε湍流模型模拟某实际应用的双切环流气体分布器内流体的流动状态。
参考来源 - 双切环流气体分布器内流场FLUENT数值模拟Through study and analysis, several modifications are done and the problem of blocking phenomenon of the distributor is solved satisfactorily. This provides the guarantee for smooth production.
参考来源 - 邯钢麦尔兹石灰窑旋转布料器的技术改造Cold experiments on the resistance characteristics of an air distributor and water model test were carried out.
参考来源 - 循环流化床锅炉风帽及布风板的实验与数值模拟研究Based on the characteristics of two - phase, performance evaluation index and method of refrigerant flow distributor are presented.
参考来源 - 论两相流分流器性能评价体系Distributor and the nozzle steel of pelton turbine much different from normal spiral case is complex in structure and the stress and strain. How to reasonable optimize and design is the pivotal problem of safe operation for Hydropower station.
参考来源 - 水电站配水环管结构非线性分析与设计优化·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: distributer
同义词: allocator
"his company is a large distributor of software products"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A distributor is a company that supplies goods to stores or other businesses. 配销商; 批发商 [商业]
...Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products.
Denmark has few natural resources, limited manufacturing capability; its future in Europe will be as a broker, banker, and distributor of goods.
Dealer/Distributor Materials -- $5.2
代理商分销商材料 -- 5.2
Can the distributor handle the products of competitors?
There will be the distributor cap, and there will be the tires, and there will be the carburetor, there will be the steering wheel.
会有分电器盖 轮胎,汽化器,方向盘
I have a distributor, so most of the books are sold through my distributor.
So I was a distributor of Atari and then Sega. You know Sega?