...励研究的近期进展 » Recent progress of study on listed company's management incentive 分成两组 » Divided into two groups 女人最值得骄傲的不是外形有多美,而是男人有多心疼自己 » Most proud of is not woman how beautiful shape, but how distresse...
分为两组 » Divided into two groups 早上好,我亲爱的老师。我很高兴在这做自我介绍,我的名字叫米伟,来自山东 济南,济南市一个很美丽的城市,济南欢迎你们经常来玩...
你是携带者 » You are the carriers 分两组 » Divided into two groups 既然回忆是谣言 你何必怀念 » Since the memory is the rumour but why do you miss ..
We divided into two groups 我们分成两组
divided into two groups a 分为两组
divided into two groups group 分为两组
divided into two groups randomly 随机分为2组
The volunteers were divided into two groups to take part in different farm work.
They found that their Gm allotypes could be divided into two groups, one of which also corresponded to the genetic typing of Central and South American Indians.
The flowering plants are divided into two groups, which in the Cronquist system are called Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida.