Djinn Sultan 灯神苏丹 ; 神灵苏丹
djinn possessed 恶魔附身
Djinn Ong 王礼人
Djinn Vizier 灯神元老
Djinn Slayer-Ataghan 魔灵杀手
Mahamoti Djinn 神灯巨灵
Maelstrom Djinn 涡卷巨灵
Indentured Djinn 契约巨灵
以上来源于: WordNet
Made from smokeless fire, Djinn are capable of changing shape at will.
The majority of djinn are thought to have left the mortal world long ago due to a hatred of humans.
Djinn Altis was a scholar of antiquity who often strained the rules of the Jedi order in his pursuit of knowledge.
Huxley points out, "How it is that anything so remarkable as a state of consciousness comes about as a result of irritating nervous tissue, is just as unaccountable as the appearance of the Djinn " - of the genie " when Aladdin rubs his lamp."