... DO More With Less 多快好省 ; 以少做多 ; 又要马儿少吃草 ; 花更少的钱 do business with 做生意 ; 同……做生意 really do something with 确实能用它做些文章 ...
easy to do business with 容易做生意 ; 容易合作做生意 ; 容易与之做生意或业务
do business with sb 与某人做生意 ; 与某人做生日 ; 与…做生意
do business with civility 文明经商
Do business with no deposit 做生意没存款
to do business with integrity 诚信为本
People do business with countries 与各国人民做生意
I know that like in Japan, they like to cultivate relationships first before they do business with one another.
It's been a pleasure to do business with you.
One cold October day, Mark, a man from outside town came up to Jack and wanted to do business with him.