In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it's something you wouldn't normally do.
Walking is something that we do everyday and by increasing the pace that you normally walk, you'll also increase your heart rate, which in turn burns calories and increases heart health.
事实上,走路是我们每天在做的事,而当你在给自己创造走路的条件时,你也是给自己创造出锻炼心脏,增加血液循环的条件。 也就是说,路走的越多就能燃烧更多的卡路里,就能让你的心脏更健康。
Look, when somebody's asleep, we need to do something to, in effect, wake them up, something to turn the functioning back on.
Look, when somebody's asleep, we need to do something to, in effect, wake them up, something to turn the functioning back on.