... Recruitment Agency 留学中介信息 Documents Uploading 文件列表 IELTS 或 TOEFL 考试成绩单 /IELTS TRF or TOEFL Scores 如申请语言赦免,请递交英文动机信 (*) ...
Uploading documents 上传材料 ; 上载文件 ; 上传材料要求
The application continues uploading until all of the documents have been sent to the repository.
The standard services for managing metadata and image files provide application programming interfaces (APIs) for uploading, downloading, querying, and updating documents.
管理元数据和图像文件的标准服务提供用于上传、下载、查询和更新文档的应用程序编程接口 (API)。
For more details about how to create a document by uploading the binary content, see the Documents Services topic in the Lotus Quickr wiki.
要了解更多关于如何通过上传二进制内容创建文档的信息,请查看 Lotus Quickr wiki 中的 Documents Services 主题。