dominant effect 显性效应 ; 显性效果
cis dominant effect 顺式显性效应
complementary and dominant effect 显性互补
dominant negative effect 作用 ; 显性负性作用 ; 显性负面效应
additive effect and dominant effect 加性和显性效应
additive-dominant effect genetic model 加性
dominant lethal effect 显性致死效应
dominant genetic effect 显性遗传效应
dominant partner effect 主组分效应
Analysis on conditional genetic variance indicated conditional dominant-effect genes expressed strikingly with large variation range during the entire courses of grain filling in early season.
Additive- and dominant-effect genes governed grain filling commonly and the fonner acted mainly with less variation range of total genetic effects in late season, compared to that in early season.
After carefully examining all elements, state the poem's chief overarching tension and explain how the poem achieves its dominant effect by resolving such tensions.