Don't Say Anything 请你不要说 ; 什么话都不要说 ; 不要再说任何话 ; 什么也别说起
don't say anything at all 什么也别说
Please don't say anything 请不要说话
Hold me don't say anything 抱着我什么也不要说
Eat that don't say anything 在吃饭时不要说话
don't say anything more 你别说了她心里正不好受呢
because I don't say anything 石头画画
Then don't say anything 那就什么都别说吧
Don't say anything tonight 今晚什么都别说
Don't want to say anything 什么也不想说 ; 什么都不想说 ; 什么都不想说了
"They don't say anything over it," said Huck.
Also, you should remember that old saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Don't say anything more; she's feeling bad enough as it is.
We don't say anything about implicitly here, we're talking about a closed system, so there's no mass leaving the system.
I don't agree with anything they do or what they say.
So, pandas for instance, like this panda, are notoriously cute, and I don't have anything to say about it really.