以上来源于: WordNet
Don't think of me as an editor or as someone who is going to "correct" your papers for you.
Most people who meet me including some friends of mine don't think so either.
For me, as a director, I don't really think like coming out of school. I'll be like directing right away.
And there're other women will say, "I don't think this is religiously required of me, but it also realize I'm a practical person that I don't have alternatives right now So there are many kinds of different things of play.
For me, like as a director, I don't really think like coming out of school, I'll be like directing right away.
They have maybe a sense that I can influence events by willing or wishing and if I think that-- if I have kind of a mystical side to me, then probabilities don't have a clear meaning.
他们也许觉得 我可以通过意愿或者许愿,来影响事件的发展,也许...,我说不定有神力相助,如此概率这个概念就有些模棱两可了