...base_d} ]; then mkdir –p ${base_d}; fi while循环:Shell 1 2 3 4 while do do_something; done for循环(用得很多):Shell 1 2 3 4 for x in *.
be done for 不能用了 ; 完蛋了 ; 不行了 ; 累死了
be done for show 搞形式主义
Let me done for it 让我为它做 ; 让为它做的我 ; 让我这样做的
Done For You Dating 为你搞掂约会
Done for years 做了几年了
Let it done for 让它做为 ; 让它为我做的
ve done for me 谢谢你为我所做的一切
done for the day 不行了
im done for tonite 我今天晚上就玩这么多
I can't believe she'd do that, not after all I've done for her.
Without that contract, we're done for.
There will be no more peace in this land until slavery is done for.
VOA: special.2009.06.18
So one of the things that we've done for a while now is, we have this thing called Director Day.
This is what I've done, if you hear about anything, I'm looking for a job..."