donor bone marrow cells 骨髓细胞 ; 联合供体骨髓细胞 ; 供体骨髓细胞 ; 供体大鼠骨髓细胞
donor bone marrow transfusion 供体骨髓造血干细胞输注
infusion donor bone marrow 供体骨髓输注
donor bone marrow infusion 供体骨髓输注
unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation 非血缘相关骨髓移植
bone marrow donor 骨髓捐赠者 ; 新闻热词骨髓捐赠者 ; 供骨髓者
Donor-specific Bone Marrow Cells 供体骨髓细胞 ; 特异性的供体骨髓细胞 ; 骨髓细胞 ; 供体特异性骨髓细胞
Objective To study donor bone marrow infusion relieving acute rejection of rat lung allograft.
The disease starts when the immune cells in donor bone marrow identify the recipient's cells as foreign and launch an attack.
Objective To explore the value of plasma exchange in preventing the hemolysis of ABO-incompatible unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation.