Double blind trial 双盲试验
double blind 双盲法 ; 双盲试验 ; 双盲测试
double-blind study 双盲实验 ; 双盲
double-blind technique 双盲法 ; 双盲技术
double blind test 二重盲检法 ; 双盲测试 ; 双盲实验
Double blind double dummy 双盲双模拟
Double Blind Tasting 完全盲品 ; 挑战盲品 ; 完全没有线索的盲品
double-blind 双盲测试 ; 双盲 ; 试验者和受试验者都对有关试验无所知的 ; 采用双盲法
Double-blind trials 双盲实验 ; 双盲试验
In a double-blind trial, there were some improvements.
After all, it's hard to do a double-blind test when the subjects can see for themselves whether or not the light is on.
We performed a double-blind, multicenter study, comparing MMX mesalamine vs placebo for the treatment of active ulcerative colitis.