DOUBLE CREAM 鲜奶油 ; 双倍奶油 ; 淡奶油 ; 浓奶油
Double cream and Rye 双奶油和黑麦
ml double cream 鲜奶油
g double cream 鲜奶油
double cream cheese 高脂稀奶油
Double Cream & Meringues 双重奶油跟蛋白饼
Double Happiness cream sweet 双喜奶油糖
double colour ice cream machine 双色冰淇淋机
Double Chocolate Ice Cream 就变成双巧克力雪糕
Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone .
Because the space character separates the elements of a set, the ice cream element needs double quotes around the name (instead of the less attractive icecream, for example).
由于空格字符被用来分隔集合中的元素,因此ice cream元素(这里没有使用icecream)需要在名字两边使用双引号括起来。
You can freeze the extra yolks in quart containers or double bagged in plastic baggies and use them later for rich desserts like ice cream or cookies.