double column type piers 双柱式桥墩
vertical double-column type machining centers 立式双柱加工中心
Mveryining centersandverticas double-column type 立式双柱加工主题
Mveryining centers-verticing double-column type 精密铸钢厂立式双柱加工中心
Mvery singleining centers-verticing double-column type 立式双柱加工核心
Double-column type pull down 双柱下拉式
Solution: Double-check what type of removal you requested by looking at the "Removal Type" column.
Note that this atomic domain is defined as DOUBLE, while the data type for the database column (determined using reverse engineering) is a BIGINT.
注意,这个原子域被定义为 DOUBLE,而数据库列(由反向工程决定)的数据类型为 BIGINT。
For example even though at design time a variable of data type double can be mapped to a table column of type XML, the run time consequences are unpredictable and hence resulting in errors.