You know he really tried to take me 你知道,他真的想 Down by surprise 突然袭击干掉我 I bet he missioned with the CIA 我看他肯定为受命于中 情局 ..
You know he really tried to take me, Down by surprise.
如果他们企图发动突然袭击,我们就有能够' '。
If you've worked with AWS before, it should come as no surprise that by default, things are somewhat locked down, so you need to explicitly allow access.
Recoveries are seldom smooth, and the surprise was how strongly GDP grew this spring (by 1.2%) as firms rebuilt their inventories after running them down.
经济复苏之路从来都不是一帆风顺。 令人惊喜的是,今春GDP增长1.2%,势头强劲,制造商藉此再度增加库存。