... In a deep dark mine在幽深昏暗的矿井 Down in the darkness于地下深处无尽的黑暗 In the dirt and the grime在矿渣和弥漫的矿尘中 ...
From below the two glowing ends of their cigars might have been the smouldering eyes of some malignant fiend looking down in the darkness.
His Lie Down in Darkness is immortalized by the Port Warwick development named after his fictional city, a square bearing his name and Loftis Boulevard, named after the novel's main character.
史泰龙是土生土长的纽波特纽斯人。 小说中的虚构城市的和主人公分别被用来命名华威港和洛夫蒂斯大道,这使得《倒在黑暗里》在现实世界里变得不朽。
It was very hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness.