...1kbps=1024bps运营商向客户供给宽带营业时,按上行速率最高可达(upload speed up to)以及下行速率最高可达(download speed up to)举行答应最高可达(up to)即在理想网络条件下,客户上彀有可能到达的速率该答应不包罗到达该速率的时间段以及时间比例2.
Download speeds of upto 80 megabits per second (Mbps) will be offered, compared to the average downloadspeed currently available in Wales of about five to six Mbps.
With the introduction of Google Fiber, however, offering upto one gigabit (100 megabits per second) upload and downloadspeed, the internet will finally begin to reach its full potential.