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  • v. 制动;拖动;打滑;松懈






The GeEr, although you very narcissistic, but very cute » 海尔的,虽然你非常迷人,但是非常可爱 dragged » 拖放 none of them has an environment with air, » 其中没有任何一个与空气的环境, ..



...an be like this wonderful music in general, and in a perfect combination of mutual help and common devel 拖下 » Dragged 圣诞节到了,作者的妈妈拿出了一件普通的礼物给作者,作者假装很开心的接受了,但心里很疑惑。



牵引的 dragged; dragging; drawn; pulled; pulling; tractive; trailed; trailing 索引的 indexed; indexical .



Dragged into the water 拉下水

dragged step over 小钟摆

dragged back to 被拖回 ; 拖回到 ; 拉回到

be dragged into 匆忙抓住

dragged the driver out 推司机下车


dragged by

They dragged 拖着

Girl dragged you 妞你拽

  • 下模;下(砂)箱,下型箱
  • (一节拍前有两个或两个以上修饰音的)拖拍数点
  • 货运慢车
  • 缩棒,触击
  • 阻力;抗力



  • n.
    • the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid

      同义词: retarding force

    • something that slows or delays progress

      "taxation is a drag on the economy"; "too many laws are a drag on the use of new land"

    • something tedious and boring

      "peeling potatoes is a drag"

    • clothing that is conventionally worn by the opposite sex (especially women's clothing when worn by a man)

      "he went to the party dressed in drag"; "the waitresses looked like missionaries in drag"

    • a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke)

      "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly"

      同义词: puff pull

    • the act of dragging (pulling with force)

      "the drag up the hill exhausted him"

  • v.
    • pull, as against a resistance

      "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him"

    • draw slowly or heavily

      同义词: haul hale cart

    • force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action

      "don't drag me into this business"

      同义词: embroil tangle sweep sweep up drag in

    • move slowly and as if with great effort
    • to lag or linger behind

      "But in so many other areas we still are dragging"

      同义词: trail get behind hang back drop behind

    • suck in or take (air)

      同义词: puff draw

    • use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu

      "drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen"

    • walk without lifting the feet

      同义词: scuff

    • search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost

      同义词: dredge

    • persuade to come away from something attractive or interesting

      "He dragged me away from the television set"

    • proceed for an extended period of time

      "The speech dragged on for two hours"

      同义词: drag on drag out

以上来源于: WordNet


drag /dræɡ/ CET4 TEM4 ( dragging, dragged, drags )

  • 1. 

    V-T If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty. (费力地) 拖


    He got up and dragged his chair toward the table.


  • 2. 

    V-T To drag a computer image means to use the mouse to move the position of the image on the screen, or to change its size or shape. (用鼠标) 拖 [计算机]


    Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.


  • 3. 

    V-T If someone drags you somewhere, they pull you there, or force you to go there by physically threatening you. 硬拉; 硬拽


    The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles.


  • 4. 

    V-T If someone drags you somewhere you do not want to go, they make you go there. 强迫


    When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father.


  • 5. 

    V-T If you say that you drag yourself somewhere, you are emphasizing that you have to make a very great effort to go there. 勉强 [强调]


    I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.


  • 6. 

    V-T If you drag your foot or your leg behind you, you walk with great difficulty because your foot or leg is injured in some way. 拖着 (受伤的脚或腿) 行走


    He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him.


  • 7. 

    V-T If the police drag a river or lake, they pull nets or hooks across the bottom of it in order to look for something. (用网或钩) 在水中搜寻


    Police are planning to drag the pond later this morning.


  • 8. 

    V-I If a period of time or an event drags, it is very boring and seems to last a long time. (时间或事件) 拖沓


    The minutes dragged past.


  • 9. 

    N-SING If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult. 阻碍


    The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle.


  • 10. 

    N-SING If you say that something is a drag, you mean that it is unpleasant or very dull. 讨厌的事; 很没意思的事 [非正式]


    As far as shopping for clothes goes, it's a drag.


  • 11. 

    N-COUNT If you take a drag on a cigarette or pipe that you are smoking, you take in air through it. (抽烟时的) 一咂 [非正式]


    He took a drag on his cigarette, and exhaled the smoke.


  • 12. 

    N-UNCOUNT Drag is the wearing of women's clothes by a male entertainer. (喜剧演员) 男扮女装


    Drag has been with us since the birth of comedy, because it's funny to see a man pretending to be a woman.

    自喜剧诞生时就有男演员反串的表演, 因为看男人假扮女人很有趣。

  • 13. 

    PHRASE If a man is in drag, he is wearing women's clothes. (男子) 穿着女装

  • 14. 

    PHRASE If you drag your feet or drag your heels, you delay doing something or do it very slowly because you do not want to do it. 拖延


    The government was dragging its feet, and this was threatening moves toward peace.



drag on 拖延

drag and drop 拖放

drag reduction 减阻

drag coefficient 阻力系数;曳引系数

drag in 插入讨论中;拉进

drag force 拖曳力,曳力

click and drag 单击并拖动

drag down 向下拖

aerodynamic drag 空气动力阻力

friction drag 摩阻;磨擦阻力

air drag 空气阻力

drag along 拖着脚走,慢慢地行走

drag out 拖延

frictional drag 摩擦阻力;摩擦拽力

drag link 拉杆

drag racing 直线加速赛;短程高速赛车;减重短程高速汽车赛;街头飚车(汽车)

drag torque 阻力矩;曳力矩;拖曳转矩

drag chain 牵引链

wave drag 波阻

drag over 拖过;拖出



  • They are shown falling or being dragged by ugly creatures into hell where they are tortured forever.

    VOA: special.2010.02.03

  • As a young person, you should be enjoying your youth and not getting dragged in to some huge investment bank.


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

  • So what is shown here is the potential solution to potentially read out neural signals dragged from the brain and use these signals after some interpretations or decrypting if you will to drive prosthetic arms or computer cursors on the screen.


    斯坦福公开课 - 7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选



drag on 拖延

drag and drop 拖放

drag reduction 减阻

drag coefficient 阻力系数;曳引系数

drag in 插入讨论中;拉进

drag force 拖曳力,曳力

click and drag 单击并拖动

drag down 向下拖

aerodynamic drag 空气动力阻力

friction drag 摩阻;磨擦阻力

air drag 空气阻力

drag along 拖着脚走,慢慢地行走

drag out 拖延

frictional drag 摩擦阻力;摩擦拽力

drag link 拉杆

drag racing 直线加速赛;短程高速赛车;减重短程高速汽车赛;街头飚车(汽车)

drag torque 阻力矩;曳力矩;拖曳转矩

drag chain 牵引链

wave drag 波阻

drag over 拖过;拖出

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