Draw 作为英语单词,是拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳的意思,作为图形处理工具,是为计划任务提供快照、图表和图形的处理工具。
[ 复数 draws 第三人称单数 draws 现在分词 drawing 过去式 drew 过去分词 drawn ]
对于多线程模型来说,一个对象在上一帧 绘制(DRAW)的同时被下一帧更新( Update)是常有的事情,但如果在Update过程中改变了对象的某些属性,而这些属性又正好被 绘制 线程使用,那么.
draw in 到站 ; 进站 ; 渐黑 ; 紧缩开支
draw up 停住 ; 起草 ; 草拟 ; 制订
draw out 锻造拔长 ; 拉长 ; 拉拔 ; 取出
draw back 后退 ; 收回 ; 不履行 ; 退回
Draw Something 你画我猜 ; 我画你猜 ; 你猜我画 ; 画点什么
draw on 戴上 ; 吸收 ; 利用
draw away 引开 ; 拉开 ; 离开 ; 躲避
draw hole 抽孔 ; 拉孔 ; 拉模孔
draw to a close 结束 ; 渐近结束 ; 终结 ; 渐近尾声
Since the inauguration of children drawing psychologyin the 19th century, researchers have been aware of the close relation betweenchildren drawing and their intelligence development and have designed draw-a-mantest.
参考来源 - 幼儿遮挡绘画的表征策略及其影响因素探析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"he was the biggest drawing card they had"
"the game ended in a draw"
"the luck of the draw"
同义词: lot
"he got a pair of kings in the draw"
同义词: draw play
"he played only draw and stud"
同义词: draw poker
"draw a wagon"
同义词: reap
"draw a line"
"I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"
同义词: make
"draw a weapon"
同义词: take out
"The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population"
"draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette"
"draw a card"
同义词: cast
同义词: get
"She was drawn to despair"; "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"; "The session was drawn to a close"
"The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
"He spent the day drawing in the garden"
"draw the shades"; "draw the curtains"
"This chimney draws very well"
"This boat draws 70 inches"
"in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"
同义词: quarter draw and quarter
同义词: pull
同义词: absorb suck imbibe soak up sop up suck up take in take up
"The archers were drawing their bows"
同义词: pull back
同义词: tie
"draw wire"
"draw pulp from the fruit"
"draw a chicken"
同义词: disembowel eviscerate
"draw steel"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram. 画
She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub.
drawing N-UNCOUNT 画画
I like dancing, singing, and drawing.
to draw the line →see line
V-I If you draw somewhere, you move there slowly. 缓慢移动 [书面]
She drew away and did not smile.
V-T If you draw something or someone in a particular direction, you move them in that direction, usually by pulling them gently. 轻拖; 轻拉 [书面]
He drew his chair nearer the fire.
He put his arm around Caroline's shoulders and drew her close to him.
V-T When you draw a curtain or blind, you pull it across a window, either to cover or to uncover it. 拉 (窗帘等)
After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle.
V-T If someone draws a gun, knife, or other weapon, they pull it out of its container and threaten you with it. 拔出 (武器)
He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.
V-I When a vehicle draws somewhere, it moves there smoothly and steadily. 平稳地前进
Claire had seen the taxi drawing away.
V-T If you draw a deep breath, you breathe in deeply once. 吸入
He paused, drawing a deep breath.
V-I If you draw on a cigarette, you breathe the smoke from it into your mouth or lungs. 吸烟
He drew on an American cigarette.
V-T To draw something such as water or energy from a particular source means to take it from that source. 汲取 (水、能源等); 提取 (水、能源等)
Villagers still have to draw their water from wells.
V-T If something that hits you or presses part of your body draws blood, it cuts your skin so that it bleeds. 抽 (血)
Any practice that draws blood could increase the risk of getting the virus.
V-T If you draw money out of a bank account, you get it from the account so that you can use it. 提取 (钱款)
She was drawing out cash from an ATM.
V-T To draw something means to choose it or to be given it, as part of a competition, game, or lottery. 抽 (奖); 抽 (签)
He put the pile of chips in the centre of the table and drew a card.
N-COUNT Draw is also a noun. 抽奖; 抽签
...the final draw for all prize winners takes place on March 17.
V-T To draw something from a particular thing or place means to take or get it from that thing or place. 取得
I draw strength from the millions of women who have faced this challenge successfully.
V-T If something such as a film or an event draws a lot of people, it is so interesting or entertaining that a lot of people go to it. 吸引
The game is currently drawing huge crowds.
V-T If someone or something draws you, it attracts you very strongly. 强烈吸引
In no sense did he draw and enthral her as Alex had done.
to draw lots →see lot
V-T If you draw a particular conclusion, you decide that that conclusion is true. 得出 (结论)
He draws two conclusions from this.
V-T If you draw a comparison, parallel, or distinction, you compare or contrast two different ideas, systems, or other things. 作出 (比较); 加以 (区别)
...literary critics drawing comparisons between George Sand and George Eliot.
V-T If you draw someone's attention to something, you make them aware of it or make them think about it. 使注意
He was waving his arms to draw their attention.
V-T If someone or something draws a particular reaction, people react to it in that way. 引起 (某种反应)
Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.
V-RECIP In a game or competition, if one person or team draws with another one, or if two people or teams draw, they have the same number of points or goals at the end of the game. (在游戏或竞赛中) 打平 [英国英语]
Holland and the Republic of Ireland drew one-one.
We drew with Ireland in the first game.
N-COUNT Draw is also a noun. 平局
→ see also drawing
PHRASE When an event or period of time draws to a close or draws to an end, it finishes. 结束
Another celebration had drawn to its close.
PHRASE If an event or period of time is drawing closer or is drawing nearer, it is approaching. 来临; 临近
Next spring's elections are drawing closer.