To be a good doctor has always been a dream to me, and I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting me in my dream. If you have a dream, it is possible.
Clearly, say the lions, those in charge of this dream event in the film calendar, a movie bliss-out on a lagoon, have their more active dream for the future.
This character fights against the forces of nature to try to realize his dream of building a performance center in Iquitos,Peru.
VOA: special.2009.03.25
You are not dreaming right now, unless you're asleep but if you're-- and you can't usually be immoral in a dream.
You have therefore one world, - and in fact this whole dream of Alexander-- and it was a very self-conscious, propaganda campaign and a cultural campaign on Alexander's part.