DRESSING ROOM 试衣间 ; 化妆室 ; 化装室 ; 换药室
Women's Dressing Room 女更衣室 ; 女更衣
Men's Dressing Room 男更衣室 ; 男更衣 ; 男性换药室
Dressing Room Fiasco 逃离化妆室
Treatment & Dressing Room 治疗 ; 换药室
Virtual Dressing Room 虚拟试衣间
Where Is The Dressing Room 试衣间在哪里
Non-Sterile Dressing Room 有菌辅料间
Surgical dressing room 外科化装室 ; 手术更衣室 ; 外科敷料室 ; 外科更衣室
Surgery Sterile Dressing Room 外科无菌敷料间
We went inside the team's dressing room moments after one of the most embarrassing defeats in their history.
She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn't painted blue.
It's close to showtime now, so you retire into the dressing room.