drip feed 点滴注油 ; 滴给式注油 ; 滴给式注油点滴注油 ; 滴入装置
drip feed lubricaor 滴给式注油器
drip feed valve 滴馈阀 ; 流滴供给阀
drip feed carburizing 点滴渗碳 ; [机] 滴注式渗碳 ; 渗碳
drip feed atmosphere 滴注式气氛
drip feed carburizer [机] 滴注渗碳剂
drip feed lubrication system 滴油润油系统
V-T If you drip-feed money into something, you pay the money a little at a time rather than paying it all at once. 分期付款
...investors who adopt the sensible policy of drip feeding money into shares.
It is hard to imagine Europe's taxpayers accepting a drip-feed of endless transfers to Greece.
Drip-feed rate has a definite effect on the chemotherapy of patients with cardict and cancer disease.
Israel makes widespread use of low-volume irrigation such as drip-feed and micro-sprinklers, which is expensive.