drip feed lubricaor 滴给式注油器
drip feed valve 滴馈阀 ; 流滴供给阀
drip feed carburizing 点滴渗碳 ; [机] 滴注式渗碳 ; 渗碳
drip-feed 渗透法 ; 鼻饲流质 ; 批处理 ; 饲料滴
drip feed atmosphere 滴注式气氛
drip feed carburizer [机] 滴注渗碳剂
drip feed lubrication system 滴油润油系统
以上来源于: WordNet
A drip feed watering system with detection has been installed in the flower beds on the bridge.
It has functions such as remote call, nc program management and so on, and drip feed is supported.
Realistically, the most GM can hope for is that it will have done enough by March to keep the drip-feed going until the second half of 2009, when things may start to improve.