Drive Line System 传动系统 ; 传动体系 ; 传动编制 ; 传动体例
control rod drive line 控制棒驱动线
forward drive line 向前驱动管路
drive line failure 传动系故障
drive line angle 传动系倾角
engine drive line 发动机传动系
reverse drive line 反向驱动管路
unishaft drive line 单轴传动路线
drive line universal joint 传动系万向节
Bottom line: Drive responsibly at or below the speed limit.
Beijing is in the midst of an Olympic blood drive. Advertising posters line inner city bus stops shelters and are plastered on subway station walls.
One drive line system is used to obtain the synthetical function, every components of this system are simulated at the scale 1:1.