dry matter [畜牧] 干物质 ; 干物 ; 固形物 ; 干燥物质
dry matter content 干物质含量 ; 干精神含量
Dry matter accumulation 干物质积累 ; 干物质积累量
amount of dry matter 干物质量
dry matter production 干物产量 ; 物质生产
air dry matter 风干物 ; 风干物质
accumulated amount of dry matter 干物质蓄积量
dry matter basis 物重比例 ; 食品应该要从干物质基 ; 干物质基
leaf dry matter content 叶干物质含量 ; 叶片干物质含量 ; 出叶片干物质含量 ; 计算出叶片干物质含量
Air-dry matter 气干物
No matter how dry a desert may be, it is not necessarily lifeless.
When they were asked to move dry marbles, all the people performed the same, no matter whether they had the wrinkled fingers or not.
I finally stirred it up yesterday and added a bit more dry matter, and with a little luck and a lot more stirring, I should have actual compost in the next week or two.