... 干湿球湿度表 wet and dry bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计 dry-wet bulb hygrometer 干湿球温度计 wet and dry bulb thermometer ...
aspirated dry wet bulb hygrometer 通风干湿球湿度计
wet and dry bulb hygrometer 干湿球度计
aspirated-dry-wet bulb hygrometer 通风干湿球湿度计
dry and wet bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计 ; 干湿球湿度表
dry-and-wet-bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计 ; 湿度计
wet-and dry-bulb hygrometer 干湿温度计 ; 湿版洗印
wet-and-dry-bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计
wet nd dry bulb hygrometer 干湿球度计
electric wet and dry-bulb hygrometer 电动干湿泡湿度计