dry-docking 进干坞 ; 干船坞
guarantee dry-docking 保证期后的进坞
dry docking expenses 干船坞使用费
dry docking survey 干坞内检验
dry docking for repair 进干船坞修理
同义词: drydock graving dock
以上来源于: WordNet
Patented EZ Port is the simple drive on, push-off method of dry docking.
获得专利的 EZ Port 是进干船坞简捷上墩、下水的解决办法。
The port has extensive facilities for repairing, dry-docking and slipping all types of vessels of up to 150 000 dead-weight tonnes, including oil rigs.
Shipbuilders would welcome it for repairing vessels without the expense of dry-docking them.