名词定义中文名称: 烘炉 英文名称: drying-out 定义: 用点火或其他... 如想投诉,请到百度百科投诉中心;如想提出意见、建议,请到百度百科吧。 ... 条目(2): 天然气烘炉_百度百科 - 详情进入
drying out 使干燥 ; 褪味 ; 失去水分 ; 指酒的岑岭期已经过
premature drying-out [木] 过早干燥
After Drying Out 后晾干拿出来
drying out room 烘干室
generator drying out operation 发电机干燥运转
And I'm drying out 我要干涸了
drying-out free 免烘烤
drying out curve 烘炉曲线
Indeed, Australia has been drying out for over a million years, and the megatauna were faced with a continent where vegetation began to disappear.
The most successful groups of land plants are those that evolved methods of fertilized sex cell dispersal that are independent of water and structures that protest developing embryos from drying out.
They keep your eyes from drying out.
And then they found that they could freeze-dry this preparation of virus, and freeze-drying to lower the temperature, freeze it, then extract out all the water, so you're left with a powder, basically a powdered form of the virus, that could be shipped all over the world, and then reconstituted by adding water to it.