... I wish both of you to believe that you and him refuel » 我祝愿你相信,你和他加油 du Jour » 大谈特谈 bath tub » 浴盆 ...
...例子的介质可以随横向振动,并在稍后阶段,一个明确的结论:没有liminiferous madium具有的实际性质所假定的假设 du Jour » 夕阳红 Win or lost to be a high-profile » win或遗失,是一个高姿态 ..
plat du jour 特别主菜 ; 唱片名
Du jour au lendemain 朝夕之间
soup du jour 当日特选汤
Blues du Jour 唱片名
Music du Jour 唱片名
bonheur du jour 小立橱写字台
Bouquet Du Jour 白天的花束
ADJ currently very fashionable or popular 现在流行的 [非正式]
the young writer du jour
The high cost of food is the topic du jour.
In 17th century Holland, tulips (the fashionable flower du jour) grew so expensive that people exchanged them for houses.
In 2010 expect short menus and a piatto del giorno. Or plat du jour, as they used to say when France was blazing the gastronomic trail.
期待在2010年看到的是一份简洁菜单和 “今日头汤”(意语:a piatto del giorno),或者“今日特菜” (法语:plat du jour)也行,就像法国人在烹调评比中横扫对手时常说的那样。