... Wreck of Titanic Disaster of car rapture 断裂(fracture) 韧性断裂(Ductile fracture) 断裂前发生明显的宏观塑性变形,断口为杯形, 暗灰纤维状 脆性断裂 (brittle fracture): : 断裂前不发生塑性变形,断口平齐,...
主要研究方向为 延性破坏 ( ductile fracture ),循环荷载下的塑性学 (Cyclic Plasticity),三维拟动力实验等。曾获日本土木学会奖 论文奖。
Non-ductile fracture 无塑性破坏 ; 无塑性断裂
propagation ductile fracture 塑性断裂扩展
ductile fracture resistance 抗塑性破坏
ductile fracture toughness [力] 延性断裂韧度
ductile fracture criteria 韧性断裂准则
ductile fracture criterion 韧性断裂准则
Appearance Characteristics of Ductile Fracture 韧性断口的形貌特征
ductile fracture surface [力] 韧性断口
In these cases, the cracks can propagate to the critical length and result in ductile fracture of the component.
At present, some ductile fracture criteria are applied only to predict the forming limit in stamping forming of simple axisymmetric part.
To accurately predict the forming limit in aluminum alloy sheet forming, ductile fracture criterion is introduced into numerical simulation.